Browse local grannies looking for no strings sex and regular hookups. Meet older cougars who need sex with younger guys because men their own age simply can’t keep up with their sexual appetite.
Using our age related search filters and geo-targeting dating app, you can indulge your most intimate sexual fantasies of having sex with women who are much older than you, even dating a grandma, shagging a hot granny or becoming a cougar cub. You set the age range you are looking for and location and our massive database of hot, horny older women will ensure you get the best possible matches based on your search criteria even down to body size, hair colour, sexual interests and favourite sexual position. If you have every fantasised about dating a mature BBW, red-headed MILF or hot GILF, now is the perfect time to experience the discretion and convenience of a specialist sex dating site.
There are no shortage of dating sites for mature women and guys who like to have sex with older women. How do you know what sites are the best and how do you avoid the scams?
Online dating scams are rife. From unscrupulous website operators billing you for unwanted upgrades and making cancelations almost impossible, fraudulent profiles and sex workers posing as members. At Cougar Connex we want you to have the best possible experience, meet plenty of genuine members and above all... Have lots of sex. In order to make your visit a memorable one for the right reasons we ensure that members profiles are reviewed by a team of real people trained to spot scammers as well as being constantly monitored by the leading anti-scammer technology which utilises machine learning to identify potential scammers and fraudsters.
We also employ a specialist customer support team so a real person is always on hand should you need some help.
All membership details, messages and logins are protected by the latest SSL encryption keeping your account and private messages safe and secure.